If you ARE a firefighter, career, volunteer, wild land or, if you aspire to be a firefighter, my guest has some excellent reading for you!

Capt. Jim Moss has recently published, “The Firefighter Success Book,” (www.firefightersuccessbook.com). Besides his career as a firefighter and officer, Capt. Moss has also been a partner, along with Chief Dan Kerrigan, on books, lectures and presentations on firefighter fitness. With this book though, he has gathered phrases, memes and stories to help you, the reader, to be a better firefighter. No, not with specific tools or tactics, rather to grow and become overall, a better person.

When you visit the website above, take advantage of the free download offer of “101 Rules for Firefighter Success,” I can honestly tell you that even at my age, I still learned a lot from this excellent list that Capt. Moss has put together. Reading and studying this list will lead you to want to read his book, as well!

Check it out on our YouTube® channel, “5-Alarm Task Force Corp,” on our website, https://www.5-alarmtaskforcecorp.org” or your favorite podcast platform!