From cigarettes to well-water and from X-rays to cooking pans, almost everywhere we turn over the past forty years or so, we see warnings for cancer. And while we may be surprised by other products that we may be warned about, the last place we ever expected to find carcinogenic compounds was in our protective bunker gear! How the hell could that have happened? Did the manufacturers know what was happening? And there are many more questions we have!
Being dedicated followers of @yourturnoutgear on Twitter, we were able to invite Dr. Graham Peaslee of the University of Notre Dame, who, for the past year or so, has been conducting particle-level research on the amount of PFOA (a fluorine derivative) in used bunker gear. Dr. Peaslee explains his research and provides us will a few more surprises regarding this basic chemical, that has been in our water and toothpaste for decades.
If you are following all of the “chatter” regarding the Firefighter Cancer Initiative and making the effort to keep yourself healthy, than please make time for this abbreviated podcast! This is one of those that just might save your life!

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