Even with all the electronic media at our hands, we often want ourselves to be “spoon-fed” news the way we want to hear it, as opposed to the actual content. When we allow ourselves to hear all the details, we can better understand the topics and discussion around them. This is especially true in the fire service. Though most of the time, when the fire service is in the news, it is usually good news. Yet, we do find ourselves on the “naughty” list at times, too.

My guest on this podcast is no stranger to either and always has a great view of what’s happening and that is Chief Dennis Rubin. On this episode, Chief Rubin addresses three specific and important issues:
1. A neutral view of the recent Atlanta rescue and follow-up
2. Hazard Zone Accountability
3. Brief Initial Report & Assuming Command

These three topics might seem very easy to some and more difficult for others. With that in mind, Chief Rubin explains each one clearly and delivers pertinent information for each one. He does not issue orders, but merely make good leadership suggestions based on his more than thirty-year career servings citizens and their communities, while always looking out for his firefighting and EMS personnel.

Take a listen – you might enjoy it!