PHOTO CREDIT TO Battalion Chief (ret) Keith Helms)

As firefighters we constantly face challenges, however not all of them are at an emergency scene. Many of these challenges occur every day; often before we ever leave the station. And many of those challenges deal with our attitudes. You might be surprised at the toll that a wrong attitude can have.

My guests for this episode of “5-Alarm Task Force,” are Sean Duffy and Pablo Gener, of the “Build Your Culture,” training group. As with most choices we face in life, there is a “right way” and, let’s just call it “another way,” of doing things. However, as firefighters, we are held to a high standard for everything we do. And Sean and Pablo believe that, no matter if you’re a career, volunteer, wildland or paid-on-call firefighter, you should always be on your “A-game,” because in this business, anything less, could result in dire circumstances.

My guests pose the question, “If you truly want to build your firefighting culture, do you do so with professionalism or minimalism? What’s the difference between the two? What are the results? Listen to this podcast in its entirety and a clear picture will emerge. Then you will have a better idea of where you stand!

Listen to “5-Alarm Task Force” on our website, or on your favorite podcast platform.