When the average person thinks about firefighters, paramedics and EMTS, the adjectives that often come to mind include, brave, caring, compassionate, putting others’ needs first, etc. The words they often do not think of include, depressed, anxious, upset, confused and more. Why? While most of us love our jobs and helping others when it is most needed, that “love” does not include the pain, trauma, tragedy and more, that we often see.

My guest today is Jeff Dill, a former firefighter and founder of the FHBA (Firefighters’ Behavioral Health Alliance (www.ffbha.org). For nearly ten years, Jeff was the only one with a connection to the fire service, who has been keeping track and validating the suicides of our brothers and sisters in fire and EMS.

Listen as Jeff and I discuss what he has seen and learned and stands read to share and teach others. Just like our international fight against cancer in the fire service, we have also had the Behavioral Health Initiative for several years now. The question is though, does YOUR department have a program? If yes, that’s great news! If no – where will you turn. Jeff shares some of those answers in this episode. Please…don’t just listen or watch this episode – do something about it, either for yourself or someone you care about.

To all our members and followers of the Jewish faith, best wishes to you and yours for a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.

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