Some of us have seen this on the news and some of us haven't. The only one I could recall was the recent incident in NYC several months ago, where a thug stole an FDNY ambulance, running over and killing the EMT assigned to that rig.
My eyes were opened when I attended a recent fire training school and I met this gentleman who is a paramedic in SW Florida and watched the beginning of his presentation on this very topic.
The videos and still photos that he showed in his intro, absolutely floored me. Violence against ambulance staff, firefighters, hospital staff and other emergency care givers, is far more rampant than we realize and that message needs to get out.
Kip Teitsor is a former police officer, paramedic and long-time student of the martial arts. A number of years ago, Kip's ambulance was stolen from him. And that was the proverbial straw that broke this camel's back.
Kip created DT4EMS, (at company dedicated to teaching first responders how to avoid and escape if necessary, a violent attack.
Kip has presented his classes around the country and in foreign lands. He has taught over 300 trainers around the country to help cover the demand for this program. One of those trainers is Kevin Onorevole. A paramedic who has had and seen this type of incident, brought it to my attention several months ago and we were finally able to bring these two gentlemen together to bring YOU this very important information. If you are a first responder, you MUST listen to this podcast and then, you must SHARE this podcast.
Fasten your seat belt and prepare for a ride you never expected!