Topics We Cover On This Episode [2:05] An update from the largest Fall 40 Days for Life campaign ever [4:32] And the new president of Planned Parenthood is… [7:50] Robert breaks down the background of Dr. Leana Wen [9:09] Is the timing of this appointment coincidence or a political strategy? [11:45] The glaring irony of a Chinese immigrant running the largest abortion operation in America [13:23] How Dr. Wen’s appointment is a desperate attempt to keep up the “abortion is healthcare” charade [16:40] There has never been a worse time in history to take over Planned Parenthood [19:43] Three important Planned Parenthood myths [26:43] Recapping the road ahead

In the midst of 40 Days for Life’s largest fall campaign ever and the kangaroo court that is the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Planned Parenthood has made a somewhat surprising move in selecting Dr.Leana Wen as their new CEO. Who is this woman and what does she mean for the future of Planned Parenthood? Find out the answers to those questions and take an in-depth look at the state of abortion politics on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Who would want to be responsible for the deaths of 300,000 children per year?

The answer is Dr. Leana Wen. The former emergency room doctor and Baltimore Health Commissioner will fill the shoes of Cecile Richards as Planned Parenthood CEO starting November 12th. Dr. Wen is a Chinese-born American doctor who believes abortion is a fundamental human right. In this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast find out everything you need to know about the next president of Planned Parenthood.

There has never been a worse time in history to take over Planned Parenthood

It’s no secret that the organization has suffered some serious blows in the past few years. Between multiple scandals and the very real risk of defunding the abortion giant is probably the most vulnerable it has ever been. This is why the departure of fundraising juggernaut Cecile Richards and the appointment of Dr. Leana Wen as Planned Parenthood’s new CEO is a bit surprising. Could there be more to this story? Find out in the latest episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Don’t believe the charade that abortion is healthcare

If we understand health care as the medicines and practices that restore health to the body then abortion is anything but. However, that is exactly what Planned Parenthood wants you to believe by appointing its first physician as CEO in nearly five decades. Dr. Leana Wen is a calculated move to reinforce the idea that Planned Parenthood is a women’s health organization. Don’t get fooled by this and other myths about America’s leading abortion provider by listening to this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

The timing of Planned Parenthood’s leadership change seems like more than a coincidence

With midterm elections taking place on November 6th and Dr. Leana Wen taking the reins on November 12th, it would appear that Planned Parenthood is positioning themselves to control the narrative no matter what the political outcome is. This of course is all backlit by the vicious Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh taking place in our nation's capital. Learn how you can sift through the politics and support the pro-life movement on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned Past episodes you have to listen to: #41, #93, and #124 Dr. Leana Wen - Facebook and Twitter Gosnell - Go see it in theaters October 12th! The Beginning of the End of Abortion - Pick up your copy on Amazon and leave a review! Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

@PPFA has made a somewhat surprising move in selecting @DrLeanaWen as their new CEO. Find out who she is on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

Who would want to be responsible for the deaths of 300,000 children per year? Find out on the latest episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

There has never been a worse time in history to take over @PPFA. Find out why @DrLeanaWen is doing just that on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

Don’t believe the charade that abortion is healthcare. Learn the three greatest myths about @PPFA on the latest episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #Prolife #PrayforLife #Abortion

@DrLeanaWen becoming the new CEO of @PPFA right after midterm elections is no coincidence.Learn how you can sift through the #AbortionPolitics and support the #Prolife movement on this episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion


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