Topics We Cover On This Episode [1:28] How you can host your own theater for the Unplanned movie [3:14] How the UnPlanned movie became a reality [5:29] Introducing Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon, the writers of God’s Not Dead and the UnPlanned movie [7:28] Why you should be excited for the UnPlanned movie [9:14] Defining success for faith-based films and why timing is the biggest factor [12:29] What inspired Chuck and Cary to take on the UnPlanned movie [16:27] How the UnPlanned movie brings credibility to the real heroes of the Pro-Life movement [18:43] Standing for Christian values in a secular Hollywood [24:56] Why the UnPlanned movie is specifically targeting Planned Parenthood [27:53] How YOU can increase the impact of the UnPlanned movie [31:54] How film is changing the way we communicate the Gospel

Get ready to see yourself on the big screen in Spring 2019! Based on the best-selling book, UnPlanned is the story of a former Planned Parenthood director turned Pro-Life advocate named Abby Johnson. Witness how Abby’s experience in helping with an abortion procedure led her to walk out of her job and walk into the office of 40 Days for Life president, Shawn Carney. On this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast hear the journey of how this movie became a reality in the hands of God’s Not Dead writers Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon.

Abby Johnson’s story is your story too

The reality is there would be no UnPlanned movie without the thousands of 40 Days for Life volunteers who are on the front lines of the fight against abortion. The tireless hours spent praying for the lives of the unborn and counseling pregnant mothers on the sidewalks of abortion clinics is what helped lead Abby to quit her job in the first place. Find out how your efforts to end abortion inspired Chuck and Cary to make the UnPlanned movie on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Chuck and Cary aren’t just making a movie, they are a part of the movement

It’s one thing to make a movie because you want to tell a story. It’s an entirely different thing to tell a story because you passionately believe in its message. That is exactly why Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon have taken on the UnPlanned movie as their next project. Writing, producing, and directing a movie about abortion is no easy task, but these regular attendees of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil in San Fernando Valley, California are not shying away from this life or death issue. Follow Chuck and Cary’s personal journey in bringing the UnPlanned movie to life on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

There is no better time to make a Pro-Life movie

On the heels of a scandalous couple of years for Planned Parenthood and the confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court there has never been a better time to take the fight against abortion to the big screen. UnPlanned will be the first major motion picture to target the abortion factory that is Planned Parenthood by name and Chuck and Cary hope that the film will be a “polished missile” that creates a giant hole in their foundation. Learn how timing and obedience is everything when you’re making films to impact the culture on this week’s episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

YOU are the key to success for the UnPlanned movie

Just like with The Passion of the Christ or God’s Not Dead grassroots support will be the biggest means of getting the message of UnPlanned to the masses. Politically motivated movie studios and critics generally seek to stifle the visibility of faith-based films by ignoring them altogether. However, the biases of Hollywood can be overcome by going directly to the theaters whose only motivation is to fill seats and sell popcorn. Learn everything you can do to magnify the impact of the UnPlanned movie on this episode of the 40 Days for Life podcast.

Resources & People Mentioned Visit the UnPlanned movies website! Abby Johnson on Twitter! Book: UnPlanned Other Great Pro-Life Films: Bella and October Baby Email us at [email protected] to learn how you can host a theater for the UnPlanned movie! The Beginning of the End of Abortion - Pick up your copy on Amazon and leave a review! Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App Tweets You Can Use to Spread the Word

@UnplannedMovie is the story of a former @PPFA director turned #Prolife advocate named @AbbyJohnson. Learn all about the film on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast! #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

The story of @AbbyJohnson is your story too. Find out how 40 Days for Life volunteers inspired the writers of @GodsNotDeadFilm to write, produce, and direct the @UnplannedMovie on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

It’s one thing to make a movie because you want to tell a story. It’s an entirely different thing to tell a story because you passionately believe in it’s message. Follow the personal journey of how the writers of @GodsNotDeadFilm are bringing the @Unplannedmovie to life. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

@UnplannedMovie will be the first major motion picture to specifically target @PPFA and bring the fight against #Abortion to the big screen. Find out why there is no better time than now to make a #Prolife movie on this week’s episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

Politically motivated movie studios and critics generally seek to stifle the visibility of faith-based films by ignoring them altogether. Learn everything you can do to magnify the impact of the @UnplannedMovie on this episode of the #40DaysforLife podcast. #PrayforLife #Abortion #Unplanned

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