Topics We Cover On This Episode [0:40] Shawn introduces this episode of the podcast. [2:20] Shawn welcomes Matt Britton and Steve Karlin to the podcast. [5:20] Matt talks about Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s background. [9:30] Are there any concerns about Kavanaugh from the pro-life perspective? [17:45] Why it’s important for the Supreme Court to remain non-partisan. [20:20] The guys talk about the pro-abortion industry’s response to Kavanaugh. [23:30] How to leverage this nomination to spotlight abortion as November approaches. [25:00] What will Kavanaugh’s nomination process look like? Is it a slam dunk? [29:20] What can you do? Pray!

This is the news we’ve all be waiting for! Judge, Brett Kavanaugh has been announced as President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. On this episode of the 40 Days for Life Podcast, you’ll hear from Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Matt Britton. In their conversation, the guys go over some background information on Brett Kavanaugh, what concerns the pro-life community should have about his nomination, why the Supreme Court should remain non-partisan, how the abortion industry is responding to Mr. Kavanaugh’s nomination, and much more! This is an exciting time to be part of the pro-life movement, don’t forget to use the best tool you have available, prayer!

Who is Brett Kavanaugh?

Go on and admit it, you were waiting with baited breath to see who President Trump would select as his SCOTUS nominee, weren’t you? Of course, you were! This was an important decision that many in the pro-life community had been anticipating. Now we have it, the President has nominated, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Who is he? Mr. Kavanaugh is a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. He previously served as White House Staff Secretary during the presidency of George W. Bush. Mr. Kavanaugh is a strong family man, married with two daughters. He is also a very active member of his faith community (Catholic) and takes time out of his busy schedule to serve the homeless.

Are there any concerns about Judge Kavanaugh from the pro-life community?

Let’s face it, when it comes to Supreme Court nominees, the pro-life community has had more than ample reasons for caution and concern. When a new nominee like Judge Kavanaugh is presented, it’s wise to take the time and consider if there are any concerns in their record or body of work. For all intents and purposes, there is nothing to report when it comes to Mr. Kavanaugh’s record, in fact, there is plenty to get excited about! Looking at his record on abortion, free speech, and religious liberty it seems like the pro-life community is getting quite the upgrade from Justice Kennedy! Rest assured, Judge Kavanaugh seems to be a perfect nominee that’ll go to work fulfilling President Trump’s promise to appoint pro-life justices to the highest court in the land.

Good news, the pro-abortion crowd HATES Judge Kavanaugh.

As nice as it would be to see a Supreme Court nominee of Judge Kavanaugh’s caliber warmly accepted by all of our nation's leaders, it’s helpful to remember that there is a reason why he’s facing early opposition. It doesn’t take much research to find that Mr. Kavanaugh is almost universally opposed by Democrats and anyone who calls themselves “Pro-choice.” Just because he’s facing opposition from the other side doesn’t mean he should automatically get a pass when it comes to criticism and critique from the pro-life community but it is a good sign!

While it’s not a slam dunk, Judge Kavanaugh’s chances are good.

As the initial excitement over Judge Kavanaugh winds down, it’s a good time to examine and consider his chances when it comes to confirmation. Just a quick reminder, when it comes to filling a Supreme Court vacancy, it’s the President’s responsibility to nominate a candidate and it’s the United States Senate’s job to approve or reject that nominee by a simple majority vote. While it’s no slam dunk, the way things look to be playing out in the U.S. Senate seems to indicate that Mr. Kavanaugh will make it through the confirmation process to be seated as the next Supreme Court Justice. Now is not the time to celebrate! If you live in a swing state, make sure to contact your representative in the U.S. Senate and press them to support Judge Kavanaugh!

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