Topics We Cover On This Episode [0:45] Shawn introduces this episode of the podcast. [2:30] Robert Colquhoun joins the conversation. [4:00] The guys discuss the value and cost of freedom. [9:00] Why you should check out episode #128. [13:00] What is the difference between Shawn’s two books? [17:00] How abortion is different than most political issues. [25:00] Why does fasting strike such a deep chord with people working against abortion? [27:00] There is a reason to be hopeful.

As a person of faith, you know the power that stories can have. That’s why testimonies about faith are so meaningful, there is something that resonates deeply when people tell their stories. The same is true of pro-life stories! Time and time again, the pro-life movement has witnessed and leveraged the power of storytelling to showcase the good that’s happening in the pro-life movement and the evil that is caused by abortion. On this episode of 40 Days for Life, you’ll hear from Shawn Carney, Steve Karlen, and Robert Colquhoun. In their conversation, the guys discuss the cost of freedom, how Shawn’s new book is different than his first one, why pro-life stories matter, how abortion is different than most political topics and much more! Don’t miss your chance to learn about what’s going on at the front lines of the pro-life movement!

Pro-life stories matter.

What was it that grabbed your attention and brought you into the pro-life movement? Chances are, it was a story! By telling your story or by amplifying the story of others, you can take part in building a culture of life here in the United States. One of the ways that 40 Days for Life is using this strategy is collecting stories and putting them into the hands of skilled storyteller, Shawn Carney. Shawn’s new book, “The Beginning of the End of Abortion” is packed full of pro-life stories that’ll keep you motivated as the struggle continues. You can all use this resource to get others on board as you fight to see the end of abortion here in your own backyard. Get more information on Shawn’s book and the impact of pro-life stories by listening to this engaging episode!

Appreciating the cost and privilege of freedom.

Did you take the time to consider and express gratitude for your freedom last week in celebration of the 4th of July? Here in America, we are so fortunate for all the freedom we enjoy and we ought to take time to thank both God and those men and women who have laid down their lives to protect it. On this episode, you’ll hear Shawn, Steve and Robert discuss how fortunate we are to celebrate freedom and all the privileges that come with it. They also mention how much this contrasts to the eroding freedom that many western nations are currently experiencing and why the pro-life movement is vital in the fight to push back. Don’t miss this episode as the guys dive deep into this topic and much more!

Abortion isn’t just another political “Hot button” issue.

What is it about the topic of abortion that makes it stand out from all the other “Hot button” political topics of our day? Why does abortion illicit such strong reactions from both sides of the aisle that other topics like tax reform fail to conjure up? It all comes down the heart of the matter, life. Abortion draws so much fervor and debate because at the center of the issue is the value and worth of human life. This is also where pro-life stories come into play as well. Stories shared from women who’ve had abortions and doctors who’ve performed them only to reach the other side of their decisions full of regret and pain have an ability to connect with people in ways that other politicized issues can’t. Join Shawn, Steve, and Robert on this episode of 40 Days for Life as they expand on this important discussion, you don’t want to miss it!

There is a real reason for hope.

This is an exciting and monumental time to be part of the pro-life movement as the Supreme Court has real potential to move us closer to a culture of life and leave the dark days of abortion behind. Remember, it’s not quite time to pop the champagne bottles just yet! There remains a lot of work to be done before we can truly celebrate. Enjoy this important milestone that you’ve worked so hard to achieve, enjoy this hopeful moment but stay vigilant and prepared for the long road ahead! Stay up to date with all the important pro-life news including President Trump's upcoming announcement of his nominee for the Supreme Court by signing up for the 40 Days for Life email newsletter. You can sign up for the newsletter and connect via social media by checking out the resources section at the end of this post!

Resources & People Mentioned Check out Episode #128 Shawn's op-ed at Pre-order Shawn’s new book, “The Beginning of the End of Abortion” Pick up Shawn’s book, “40 Day for Life” Connect With 40 Days For Life On Facebook On Twitter Email Sign Up App

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