People often think that HIPAA is there to help prevent people from finding out about their personal information.  In actuality, the law actually focuses on the "portability" and "accountability" of such data, and where and how it can be shared.  In casual lingo, people often joke around, "oh that's HIPAA" or "that's a HIPAA violation," and even medical offices sometimes refuse to send records without a signed release (which isn't required by HIPAA when it is going to another treating provider).

But of course, HIPAA Is one aspect.  Did you know by law you have a right to NOT have your treatment information sent to your insurance company?  Did you know that you can access your entire medical record?  Did you know hospitals are required by law to show their prices transparently, but as for now, many hospitals are still not compliant?

In this engaging conversation with Dr. Phil Eskew (direct primary care doctor, lawyer and businessman), we will explore some of these key legal issues that impact the world of health care so that as a consumer, you are more informed of what that looks like and means.