Next Episode: #TheMWord

Health care in America is broken.  We spend the most out of many countries on health care, and yet among developed countries our quality is among the worst.  Why?  Because the system doesn't allow us to develop true relationships with our patients.  In our inaugural episode, we are joined by Dr. Rushika Fernandopulle, CEO and Co-Founder at Iora Health to discuss new and innovative ways of getting health care, particularly in a model known as Direct Primary Care.  Learn how you can find out how to expect more from the health care system, and how entities like Iora Health are transforming the experience of the patient.  Find out if Direct Primary Care is a fit for you as over 250,000 patients across the country have partnered with over 1,000 doctors to receive high quality care at low cost and a fantastic experience, where primary care care once again becomes local and personalized.