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3D Politics Live

253 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

The collaborative work of Tom McCay, David Van Risseghem, & David Oldham; about the state of politics, culture, & the resulting public policies.

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New Jersey Vaccine Nazis

December 21, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - David Oldham tells of the manipulations by the Senate leadership in the New Jersey legislature, to declare that no religion can oppose a vaccine, by any matter of conscience. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

3D Politics Marks 1st Year of Oklahoma Newscasting

December 21, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - We're pleased to mark the first year of providing news discussion media to Oklahoma. For nearly a year we've been developing a format and content to keep the citizens of Oklahoma better informed and prepared for active citizenship. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

How Media Propaganda Changes the Narrative

December 20, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Our media continues to devolve from the greatness we once ascribed to the institution. they have become 'prostitutes for the political class and abandoned a standard of objectivity. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

State Powers & The Federal 'Swamp'

December 20, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - President Andrew Jackson faced a similar level of hate from within the DC establishment and sycophant press. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Oklahoma Disconnects With Leftist East Coast

December 19, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -  Evidently the Oklahoma voters have largely discredited Eastern news media narratives, because President Trump is enjoying support exceeding that of President Reagan, at the same point in 1983.   Amber Integrated; has released their first public opinion survey since their merger.    The survey results point to 3 key issues; Read more about it  at SoonerPolitics.org. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Mon...

The Advent of Impeachment

December 19, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped into a Jewish reporter recently, because the reporter asked if she hated President Trump. She scowled back at him and lectured about how loving of a Christian she is, and how void of hate she has been, in all her ways. But this advent season has been preoccupied with vicious innuendos and made up narratives of how horrible this president has been and how endangered the elections will be if he is allowed to remain. Nev...

Ending Liberties "In God's Name"

December 18, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -  Last winter, a city council fought to keep a medical dispensary from opening across the street from a drugstore. But the reason they claim is that a church was a over on the next block. Now a legislator wants to make a statewide ban on dispensaries anywhere near any rented, owned, or often used locations of churches.  Journal Record has a story. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our ...

A Move to End Marijuana Prohibition

December 18, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The petition to seek an end to  cannabis prohibition has been filed with the state. We already ended the Trace Hemp prohibition in the past few years. Even the federal govt. ended their legal blockade. But there are several opponents of this petition. And many are licensed marijuana patients. SoonerPolitics has an in-depth article from Nigel Omally. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, o...

Gov. Stitt Looks At Open Gambling Options

December 18, 2019 03:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - "Some in the room suspected he was against gambling because of his Christian faith, while others guessed he was trying to make commercial gaming a reality. Stitt maintains his sole motivation is a better deal for the people of Oklahoma." - Frontier News Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

The Advent of Impeachy Keen - Full Show

December 17, 2019 08:35

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Tribal Gambling Houses Want Exclusive Rights To Oklahoma. - Trump Faces Holiday Impeachment and Boost to His Approval Numbers. - Vaccine Nazis. - 3D Politics In 2020 Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

When We Were Our Own Cops

December 15, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - When We Were Our Own Cops. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Doing More than Cop-bashing

December 15, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Doing More Than Cop Bashing. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Deadly Problems In Police Training

December 14, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Deadly Problems In Police training. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Florida's Deadly 'Keystone Cops'

December 14, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Florida's Deadly 'Keystone Cops'.  Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Female Teachers: Meet Female Judges

December 13, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Female Teachers; Meet Female Judges.  Perhaps female judges are more capable for holding female predators responsible for their crimes?   Last week a LeFlore County judge sentenced a Pocola Public School teacher to a total of 40 years for violating at least 3 boys, sexually. Read more at SoonerPolitics report>  Female Judge Orders  40 Years For Female Rapist Who Preying On School Boys Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telec...

Where Did The Earthquakes Go?

December 13, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Where Did The Earthquakes Go?    No, it's not likely that the residents of Oklahoma will be justly compensated for the damages incurred.   But the great news is that trouble left us and we know where it went. We know how the trouble came and how to prevent further harms to our state. Read more at SoonerPolitics> The Oklahoma Earthquake Crisis Is Over Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm,...

Moralists & Gambling Hypocrites

December 12, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Moralists & Gambling Hypocrites.   For most of Oklahoma's statehood, gambling was banned completely. It's a reflection of the moral repudiation that our population has largely held, regarding 'sins' like gambling, drunkenness, debauchery, and other 'vices'. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Antitrust Violations In Gaming Industry

December 12, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Antitrust Violations In Gaming Industry.   One of the indirect economic disasters caused by these gaming compacts is the financial ruin of several other legal entertainment and dining businesses.  Concerts and dining are 'loss leaders' to get new business flowing into the real cash cow operations of these gambling halls. Even nonprofit entities like Oral Roberts University are suffering because their Mabee Foundation has almost completely lost ...

New Studio: Sneak Peek

December 12, 2019 06:21

We're building a new studio! David Van gives a short tour and talks about the features and equipment. - Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Why the Gaming Compacts Must Die

December 11, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Why the Gaming Compact Must Die.  This is a legacy of Oklahoma politics. If you don't think it's a problem, just look at page 2 of your state tax return form (511), next month. The state gives exclusives and credits to many favored corporate entities. It just means that the rest of us pay more, or worse yet, face imprisonment for doing the same commerce.   Nowhere is this more blatant than casino gaming. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the e...

Impeachment Nonsense

December 11, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - - Impeachment Nonsense. The House Democrats are hell-bent on trying to shame the president in any way they can. But their echo-chamber existence has blinded them from seeing the peril they put themselves in, politically. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Impeachment, Compacts, Constitutional Policing, & More - Full Show

December 10, 2019 21:26

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Impeachment Nonsense. - Why the Gaming Compact Must Die.  - Antitrust Violations In Gaming Industry.  - Moralists & Gambling Hypocrites.  - Where Did The Earthquakes Go?  - Female Teachers; Meet Female Judges.  - Florida's Deadly 'Keystone Cops'.  - Deadly Problems In Police training.  - Doing More Than Cop Bashing.  - When We Were Our Own Cops. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7...

Game Wardens Complain Against Their Own Policy

December 10, 2019 20:14

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Oklahoma's Wildlife police filed a media complaint against their own policy. The agency is funded by writing fines and licenses. But they seem to be writing more licenses online and less fines & citations this year.    They claim that deer hunters are shooting deer and then ordering deer tags via mobile phones, even before getting down from their deer stands to field dress the big game. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly tele...

Starbucks Takes A Hit In Oklahoma

December 08, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -  When a couple of smug young shopkeepers decided to take out their bitterness for working Thanksgiving day (making time & a half plus tips), they decided to start opening insulting a few select patrons. One was a cop, who was also working on the holiday. Calling him "Pig" ended up costing the barista & manager their jobs. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Trump Draws An Oklahoma Challenge

December 07, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Oklahoma's Presidential primary season is officially underway. On Dec 2nd-4th, the State Election board allows all candidates nationwide to file as candidates in whichever political party they identify as.   President Trump drew an unorthodox opponent in Zoltan Istvan is a weird and spooky guy who seems to be attempting to gain the power and following of L Ron Hubbard & Scientology. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast...

The 'Anti' Became the 'Defamation League'

December 07, 2019 11:00

Sacha Baron Cohen  In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -  The man who made a career in show business out of being obnoxious and rude, just anointed himself the guardian of all oppressed (as long as their politics lines up with the leftists at the Anti Defamation League.   The ADL is now perhaps the most egregious bunch of defamers in American society. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

More Science Denial From The Left

December 06, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The American Medical Assn. has always been an elitist liberal organization. They have openly blasted faith communities for religious beliefs which does not affirm medical orthodoxy.    But last week they called on congress to ban all clinicians from objecting to any individual who insists they are of a different gender than their DNA affirms.   So who are the science deniers now? Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast l...

Biden Looks More Confused & Creepy

December 06, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The former Vice President, Joe Biden, continued his gaffs & corny antics on the campaign trail, in recent days.  But nibbling and sucking on his wife's finger while she delivered a stump speech... well. it's probably a first in campaign history. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Newsweek Reporter Gets Caught Making Fake News

December 05, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The thanksgiving weekend must have been to good to pass up, so a young Newsweek reporter faked it and wrote a story about President Trump loafing around South Florida, playing lots of golf and tweeting up a storm.  But Trump skipped a family gathering with his wife & kids, to spend the holiday in the war-torn nation of Afghanistan.  The Newsweek reporter got fired. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Mond...

The Leftist Politicians Love Corporate Welfare

December 05, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Leftist rhetoric always condemns 'corporate welfare', until the leftist politician starts getting campaign checks from those same corporate forces.    Amazon's  Jeff Bezos controls much of Washington politics by spending money on politicians; and controlling the media messages through his Washington Post news service. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Tax Breaks For Amazon?

December 04, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -   While to massive corporations get tax breaks that small businesses will never get? Is our tax code being corrupted by politicians in exchange for campaign cash?   Did the Tea Party fail to get the reforms the sought? Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

The Plymouth Rock Pilgrims Declare Socialism A Failure

December 04, 2019 11:00

  In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock tried sharing to the extreme, and found some tragic consequences can come from forced charity and mandated sharing.   Tom tells us what went terribly wrong in 1620, and hos 1621 was a much better year. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

More Millennial Madness - Full Show

December 04, 2019 00:45

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. The Pilgrims Disproved Socialism.  Leftists Only Claim To Oppose Corporate Welfare.  Millennial Math & Govt Tax Codes.  NewsWeek reporter Fired For Fake Trump News.  Leftist Science Deniers.  Borat & the Defamers On the Left.  2020 Primary Season Has Begun.  Game Wardens Complain Against their Own Policies.  Starbucks Takes A hit.  Listen to the Podcast, here. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/  - Lis...

3D Politics Viewing Formats

December 02, 2019 11:00

Join the podcasting audience.  In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Van explains the many ways that 3D Politics is getting the weekly content delivered to you. Any tablet, or mobile phone has the potential for being your newest way to stay informed on your own schedule. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Mo...

DUI Laws & The Constitution

December 02, 2019 02:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Tom asks some basic questions about our statutes governing DUI laws and court procedures. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our 3D Politics Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/3Dpolitics

Fantasy Lawmakers Game

December 01, 2019 18:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Van announces a first-ever Fantasy Lawmaker competition. He details how it will work with several grassroots groups advocating for individual, family, faith, and business freedoms. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our 3D Politics Facebook page: h...

Court Updates: Harper & Davis

December 01, 2019 13:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -    Tim harper's persecution at the hands of D.A. David Prater, are many. Rep. Dean Davis vows to fight a DUI charge in open court. we have the details. - Keep up with the news at our website: - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our 3D Politics Face...

The Govt Wants It Both Ways

December 01, 2019 02:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -  The govt doesn't play fair. they want it both ways, because they no longer see the people as their bosses. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our 3D Politics Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/3Dpolitics

Lankford & Inhofe Resist Banking Safety Reforms

November 30, 2019 18:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Inhofe & Lankford illustrate exactly why the founders insisted that the US not have a central bank. But congress has effectively become the fascist banking power, as illustrated by their ban on some businesses having the ability to use banks for safe transfer of assets & paying taxes. Read more at SoonerPolitics.org - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.fe...

The Battle of Power Against Freedom

November 30, 2019 12:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -  Van talks about the lesson that Majority Leader, Dick Armey taught him & a group of Tulsans, back in 1994. It's still true, to this day. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our 3D Politics Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/3Dpolitics

Impeaching Biden Instead of Trump

November 30, 2019 02:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The desperate effort to impugn trump, has just emphasized how corrupt Joe Biden was, and is. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our 3D Politics Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/3Dpolitics

Ownership Vs Currency

November 29, 2019 18:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. -  Tom explains why actual property assets are better than 'cashing out'. - Keep up with the news at our website: https://www.3dpoliticslive.com/ - Listen to the 3D Politics Podcast, here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/3dpoliticslive/feed - Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our 3D Politics Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/3Dpolitics

Tim Harper Deprived of 3 Constitutional Rights By D A Prater

November 23, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - After being publicly condemned by OK2A, Tim Harper was arrested and forced to remain in the county jail on a previously unenforced law which directly violates the US Constitution. OK2A president, Don Spencer changed his public stance and began offering assistance to Harper's plight.   Harper now has bail, but it was done unconstitutionally and violates his 1st, 2nd, & 8th Amendment Constitutional rights. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the ...

John Angier: Pioneer in Citizen Journalism

November 23, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - A pioneer in citizen journalism, John Angier;  passed away, last week. He led several political initiatives in Oklahoma, and played supporting roles in many more. John produced the Cable access show, "Oklahoma Politics & You", with Steve Byas and others. He was also a campaign consultant for several political figures, including former state Senator, Anthony Sykes. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday ...

Hong Kong Liberty Protests Expand

November 22, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The months-old protest grew this weekend to about 25% of the Hong Kong population. Cops pinned down a massive portion of protesters at the Hong Kong University. the civilians were promised safe exit if the cease their activities, but cops then attacked those who trusted them. The violence then escalated. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Duncan Hero Stops Murderer With His Constitutional Carry

November 22, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - When a romantic relationship falls apart, 3 people are dead, in a Walmart parking lot.  Veteran Aaron Helton happened to be armed and standing nearby. He immediately confronted the shooter with orders to cease. That's when the murderer shot himself, and ended the violence. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

GOP Goes AWOL On Sales Tax Extension Vote

November 21, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The City of Tulsa just got the voters to assess each Tulsan (present & future) to pay an additional $2000, over several years. Shockingly, the Republican party stayed silent on the issue. Only a small handful of citizen journalist & advocates spoke in favor of small govt. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page.

Marijuana Dispensary Goes 'Anti-Meat'

November 21, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - The owner of two medical marijuana dispensaries, Robert Cox; just demonstrated his lack of tolerance this past week, by scolding & suspending an employee for bringing a sack lunch to work with a meat sandwich which was stored in the back room refrigerator.   It's not clear how the employer discovered the contents of a sealed lunch meal, but the employer quickly took the employee off the schedule and accused her of violating "the holy space we've...

Tom Talks To Mindless Millennial Gamers Part 2

November 20, 2019 23:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - Here's part 2 of the generational divide discussion. This past weekend, Host Tom McCay attempted to discuss fiscal public policy with Millennial & Gen-Z gamers.  The results depend on who you ask. Several topics included: free college,  communist public healthcare,  employment wage laws,  and so many other 'hot button' matters. Tom shows incredible poise and the young punks discredit him for being too old to understand policy issues. Listen...

Tom Talks To Mindless Millennial Gamers - Part 1

November 20, 2019 11:00

In this installment of 3D Politics Live.. - This past weekend, Host Tom McCay attempted to discuss fiscal public policy with Millennial & Gen-Z gamers.  The results depend on who you ask. Several topics included: free college,  communist public healthcare,  employment wage laws,  and so many other 'hot button' matters.   Tom shows incredible poise and the young punks discredit him for being too old to understand policy issues. Here's part 1. Listen to the Podcast, here. Watch the e...

Twitter Mentions

@centcom 1 Episode