Here in the Uk we are back to lockdown, pretty much like we were in March last year, staying at home, schools and commerce closed.... and as a result we are seeing a spike in anxiety levels. We have been approached by many reporting feeling overwhelmed, stressed... And also some feeling the need to "not drop the ball".
With home schooling, working from home, looking after ourselves, eating healthily, doing exercise... all important, but also can result in adding more stress and overwhelm.

We are re-sharing with you our episode called Superhero Syndrome, as it is important to understand that you do not have to do it all, and even if you wanted to, it does not have to be perfect. At a time like this, being kind with ourselves and do our best, is more than enough.

As always, if you are struggling and feeling you cannot cope, please know you are not alone, we are here for you and we would love to help:
[email protected]
[email protected]