Whether you have a healthy or difficult relationship with money, the truth is that this is a tabu subject still nowadays... which is why we were so excited to have Rachel Smith with us!

Rachel is a Money Mindset Coach. She supports female business owners to attract MORE Clients & Money into their business. And on this episode, she walked us through her relationship with money and how she went on to create her business and support other women step into their power.

You can connect with Rachel here:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheBusinessGrower
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thebusinessgrower/
Website: https://rachelsmith-thebusinessgrower.com

Helping you to remove any existing blocks that are stopping you from earning more money
Ending your self sabotage so you become ‘your future successful self’ easily, allowing your full potential to be released.
Increasing your confidence around your ability to earn more money
Heal your money story so you can start to take action every single day to grow your money mindset
Wealth Hypnosis Recording - https://rachelsmith-thebusinessgrower.com/your-wealth-hypnosis-recording/

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