Leadership is a word we hear frequently, but, what is a leader? Can anyone be one? and what does it take to be a great one?

Sylvana Caloni, author of Humble Crumbles: Savouring the Crumbs of Wisdom from the Rise and Fall of Humble Pie, has an extensive career working with worldwide leaders and has a recipe for success!

Sylvana is an executive coach who began her career in Finance. In the last 15 years she has been coaching a wide range of clients, from employees designated as high potential or placed on their organisation’s promotion track to very senior executives and business owners.

Sylvana puts her clients at ease whilst challenging their accepted norms and constraints. This allows them to create new business relationships and visions.

To connect with her:
[email protected]

Here is the link to her book.

To connect with us:
[email protected]