This week we’ve got a guest with a very varied background, from Denmark, to Prague, Zimbabwe and then London, Mikkel Dissing has been at the front of several companies, leading teams and upscaling businesses since the early 90s.
An innovative, passionate entrepreneur who loves leading game changing businesses and building passionate teams to bring that innovation to market.

His passion is to help make the world a better place, through innovation and technology. PanicGuard is his latest venture which aims to help primarily women in vulnerable situations such as domestic violence and street attacks by using the latest smart phone technologies.

You will also have heard on our conversation that Mikkel joined us in our last Empowered to Thrive course, which we are running again! and starts next week! If you feel inspired by his words or think you could do with a bit of help this 2022, please come and join us, we have limited spaces!
Contact us at [email protected] to find out more

Lots of love