This week we bring you an amazing pair of female entrepreneurs!: HR Tech Co-Founders Hannah Peet and Alexandra Slater, who are building technology to aid better, faster and fairer hiring with an all-in-one recruitment platform.

For 20+ years they have been passionate and committed to helping clients find the best talent to support their business growth, but more recently they have been conscious there must be a more innovative and cost effective way to help clients that is also fairer for candidates!. This is why Candidly was born.

Hannah and Alex shared with us their journeys, which included break ups, coming back form maternity leave and finding they had no job, to getting their teeth stuck in a world predominantly consider to be "male territory" where they had to forge their path and prove their worth.... Theirs is a story of stepping our of your comfort zone, belief (in themselves and what they are creating!), confidence, support and making a difference.

You can check out their new site: and connect with them over there!

To connect with us:
[email protected]