Hail Mighty Listeners!!

Roll up! Roll up! Ladies and Gents the 2Ps are proud to present.... Episode 38!

Straight back from PAW (Plymouth association of wargamers 2019) event and we recorded our latest instalment, once more in the same room (we are so used to recording together now, it will feel weird doing it over the phone again)!

We are very pleased to present a cracking interview with Jon Askham who is part of the team organising the "Roll Dice" event in Bristol this summer. This was really exciting and we are now really looking forward to this event, so I hope after listening you will be too.

We talk about a load of stuff this week in our usual ramble through the crazy, magnificent world of miniature wargaming! 

Have a cracking time in the hobby, we hope you dice roll sixes and you paintbrushes stay as pointy as an elven spear.

The 2Ps



00:02:35 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Khorne blood puppies (Flesh hounds), a stompy robot (Redemptor Dread) A flying brick (Stormfang) an amazing Patreon (Mezgike) and a bit on basing and when to do it
00:29:38 - GALAXY OF WAR - The avenging angel has arrived... and he has divided opinion (but not ours), Urban Conquest, and a tonne of superb Necromunda releases
00:57:09 - INTO THE MORTAL REALMS - Gloomspite Gitz are finally in Bens hands and Dan talks about his plans for an upcoming AOS tournament
01:27:10 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We give our usual shout outs, and then Interview Jon Askam from Roll dice
02:10:08 - INTO THE WILDS - MUNCHKIN!!!!!



Rods Mods - https://www.instagram.com/rods.mods/
Miniac - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTkWZb_-iNPzknoQeVkH1g
Lukes APS - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsmD5774MOQhjYBkXqu3Jdw
Tim Barklay and Rob Davis on our hobby forum https://www.facebook.com/groups/410235512732490/?source_id=235829583570824 
Jon Askham and Roll Dice - https://www.facebook.com/events/205972096959233/