Hail Mighty Listeners!!!

Its episode.... 37 and we have been able to record in the same place, Bens shed; a dark and mystical place filled with forgotten models and far to much clutter!!

We have had a blast recording this one and we hope you enjoy it, and best of all Dan's voice has returned to normal. He has clearly been expelled from the Dark mechanicum for his complete lack of technical expertise!

As ever we love to hear from you, and would enjoy and topic suggestions or questions, we will do our best.... even if Ben cannot remember the name of virtually any unit in the game!

Have an awesome couple of weeks in the hobby, may you pains never dry out, your brushes stay as pointy as an elven spear and you roll consistently over 4.

Praise Sigmar (Khorne can go suck a....) ((Yes Ben wrote this))

The 2 P's

As ever our thanks to Bensound.com for the awesome title music

Show Notes http://www.2psinapod.com/show-notes/episode-37-show-notes/


00:02:56 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Dan talks us through his Cawdor, Blood bowl goblins, Gaunt summoner and his scuttling. Ben chats about a redemptor dreadnought and a rune priest. We carry on our chat about our hobby resolutions...
00:37:40 - A GALAXY OF WAR - Dan chats Necromunda, we also talk about Titanicus, and how awesome Ulrik the Slayer is
01:04:00 - IN THE MORTAL REALMS - Dan talks about his skirmish game and a 2000pt battle. Ben adds not so witty sarcasm and little else
01:32:37 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Our usual jaunt through events on our calendar, some shout-outs to hobbyists that have caught our attention and how over the moon we are with the Hobby forum
01:52:36 - A JOURNEY THROUGH MIDDLE EARTH - A run through of the recent releases and a look at a rather tasty Edoras !


'Pat' https://www.instagram.com/mszone55/ 
Joshua Bullock https://www.instagram.com/games_workshop_warrington/ 
Ian Craig https://www.instagram.com/ianrobertcraig 
Adam Sellers
Events mentioned this time round can be found in the community section of our site here: http://www.2psinapod.com/community/
Darkstar Games - https://www.facebook.com/groups/darkstargamingplymouth/
Kirton Games - https://www.facebook.com/kirtongames/ https://kirtongames.co.uk/ 
Element Games  - https://www.facebook.com/ElementGamesNWGC/
Terra Games - https://www.facebook.com/TerraGamesLTD  
Bristol independent Gaming - https://www.bristolindependentgaming.co.uk/ 
Imperial Games - https://www.imperialgames.co.uk/
Plymouth Association of Wargamers show - https://www.facebook.com/events/1417656118362223/
We will be attending PAW on Saturday the 2nd of February so if you are heading along do feel free to say hello :-)