Hail Mighty Listeners!

And welcome to episode 28. We hope you're having an awesome time in the hobby, Ben has certainly got excited about building his kill team scenery!! And Dan has rediscovered his love for foamcard!!

Stay awesome!

The 2Ps!

Shout outs to Ironsleet, House Taranis owners club, Simon James LeeMike EmBen Howes, Bensound for the music



00:02:22- ON THE HOBBY DESK- Dan has been building Laketown on a budget, Ben finished his chainrasps and gets to grips with the killteam scenery.

00:24:30- A GALAXY OF WAR- We discuss our first impressions of Killteam, and our slight disappointment and genuine excitement about Titanicus

00:49:19- THE MORTAL REALMS- Ben talks about Stormstrike

01:07:03- HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY- We shout out he incredible Ironsleet and the thorn moons, A gathering of knights and run through the events calendar

01:18:32- INTO THE WILDS- Dan talks about Outlands, middle earth strategy battle game, a whopping great spaceship.