Welcome to our twenty-seventh iteration!

Its a long one, but we hope you like the extra content in the Hobby desk and Mortal realms sections. 

We hope that this finds you well and you are all enjoying your hobby,

Best Wishes

The 2Ps


Show notes are here;


00:02:55- ON THE HOBBY DESK- Ben paints Khorne, Dan pains some decking, we discuss decals and speed painting
00:49:56- GALAXY OF WAR- Kill team and tiny versions of skyscraper-sized robots
01:20:08- THE MORTAL REALMS- Dan Interviews Dan Wosley about the new AOS and we chat about Bens order army consepts
02:03:23- HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY- We shout out a few legends from the community and Go through some upcoming events
02:19:46- INTO THE WILDS- We have a chat about the new Middle earth strategy battle game boxed set

Shout outs
Coltau painting; https://www.instagram.com/coltaupainting/
Toki paints https://www.instagram.com/toki.paints/
Jon Hammett https://www.instagram.com/jk_games_uk/?hl=en 

Bensound as always for the music.