2000-05-10 Two Daves For The Price Of One
Guests: Dave Ludt, Dave Polgar, Yuliya, Amy K, Sara, others
Phone Guests: Steve Tanaka, Andris
Length: 3:10:12

This is a show that featured 2 Daves. Two for the price of one. Polgar and Ludt guest on this interesting hump day edition of the Main Event. Yuliya offers a Russian translation. Pokey takes some calls. We check in on the team working in the clubhouse. Switching it up a bit. Bing us cookies. Ladies in Studio B. Something for you two about rapid eye movement. Wild things. Good news and bad news.

2000-05-10 | 3:10:12 | 2BS Radio Archive | The Main Event | Wednesday | 9 to Midnight | WRHO 89.7 FM Hartwick College Oneonta NY | The B-Smith Radio Archive | Archived Recordings from my College Radio Show | www.twobs.com | 2bsradioarchive.blogspot.com | For full details > http://twobs.com/wiki/2BS_Radio_Archive_2000-05-10