2000-05-05 The True Cinco De Mayo
Timeslot Friday 2pm to 4pm
Guests Andris, Dave Ludt, Scott Amsbary, Stube, Bikeman, Haushalter
Phone Guests Damon, Lahur, Sonderman
Length 2:06:40

Shake your body. Avoid the 'roids. Itching to get outside, yet still inside. It's an awesome spring day out there. We got DLudt in the station. I pester telephones. Lahur tells the true story of Cinco de Mayo. Friday starts to wrap up. We got Amsbary in studio. We learn about the REM button. Where is a good place to get a good hamburger in town? Where do you need to go if you don't want to be found? Who stole the harddrive?

2000-05-05 | 2:06:40 | 2BS Radio Archive | Four Hours of Torture | Friday | 2 to 4pm | WRHO 89.7 FM Hartwick College Oneonta NY | The B-Smith Radio Archive | Archived Recordings from my College Radio Show | www.twobs.com | 2bsradioarchive.blogspot.com | For full details > http://twobs.com/wiki/2BS_Radio_Archive_2000-05-05