This 25 Years of Ed Tech Audio Project has been a blast! Thanks to all of the community:

Readers of the chaptersGuests for the "Between the Chapters" book club episodesThe community of listenersMartin Weller -- who let us remix his book!

We appreciate ALL of you and are grateful for your contributions in this @YearsEd audiobook project. Thanks y'all! 

In this episode, you'll hear Clint Lalonde and Laura Pasquini give their 4 L Retrospective -- the things they loved, loathed, longed for, and Learned + what's next on the horizon of audio works.

Did you miss this BONUS episode?: #OERxDomains21 Panel: OER & the @YearsEd Project

We want to hear from you, dear @YearsEd listener! Submit your audio reflections by May 15th to add your voice to the community audiobook project! #25YearsOfEdTech: Call for Audio Reflections When recorded, send a message or tweet. If/When we receive these audio reflections, you might see a few extra episodes in this podcast feed. :)

Podcast episode art: X-Ray Specs by @visualthinkery is licensed under CC-BY-SA. Remix by Laura Pasquini.

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