Joy is like cash in a bank, you can’t expect to get any out of life without putting some in first. Lisa Even joins me today to share her definition of joy and why she’s so passionate about cultivating more of it in the world and in the lives of the individuals she meets.  Tune in to understand how to determine how much joy is enough for you, how to break down the barriers preventing you from experiencing joy, and how to create your own “joy calendar.”


“How are we making that work time, more fun for our teams and the people that we support?” – Lisa Even


About Lisa:


Lisa Even is the Founder of Even Connection. She describes herself as a corporate-world junkie, turned entrepreneur, who is focused on helping people Have Good Ripple Effect through speaking, facilitating, and coaching. Two fun facts are that she has a monthly joy calendar and is on a mission to meet 1 million people.


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