In this special two-part episode, I sit down with Coinbase Chief People Officer L.J. Brock to discuss their recent announcement to be “mission-focused” and move away from corporate and employee activism (part one) and their shift to remote-first (part two). We initially recorded the remote discussion before the mission-focused announcement, so part-two to discuss how the people team would manage their new apolitical approach. In this podcast you’ll learn:

Part 1

LJ’s thoughts on their new mission

The practical implications of their mission to employees

Commitments they’re making to under-represented employees

Thoughts on how this may impact recruiting

How this impacts their ability to build a sense of belonging within the company

Part 2

How the determined remote-first was best for their employees and company

The downstream people team implications of that decision (compensation, policies, support)

How LJ is thinking about redesigning his people team for today and tomorrow

How to foster community in a remote-first organization

Managing burnout as a CPO

You can read Coinbase’s announcement here: