Amanda Miars is a corporate, trusts and estates attorney with the law firm of Murchison, Taylor & Gibson, PLLC – a firm with deep roots in the Wilmington community. She helps individuals, families and small business owners plan for the present and the future, assisting them in creating comprehensive estate plans customized to their personal situations and advising on business matters from formation to acquisition opportunities to sale of the business and every milestone in between.

Amanda is passionate about helping clients articulate their goals and the details of their situation so she can work with them and other members of their team to create a roadmap forward. Her field of expertise is exactly what we'll talk about in this episode so that you can feel confident in your estate planning, find out if you need a will, and learn how to start taking steps to prepare your estate for any unforeseen circumstances.

This episode is part of an exciting adulting series, so we hope you walk away with some actionable steps you can take to feel more organized in all aspects of your life!

Follow us @theinspirationlab and let us know your biggest takeaway from this conversation!

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