46.) I Like Difficult (Jeffrey Tambor on his Max Experience) The Archive of American Television conducted a number of interviews with many actors who have done a lot of work over the years. Here’s a little something buried in the middle of a longer interview with Jeffrey Tambor. While he’s not seen in the best … Continue reading 46.) I Like Difficult (Jeffrey Tambor on his Max Experience)

46.) I Like Difficult (Jeffrey Tambor on his Max Experience)

The Archive of American Television conducted a number of interviews with many actors who have done a lot of work over the years. Here’s a little something buried in the middle of a longer interview with Jeffrey Tambor. While he’s not seen in the best light these days after scandals related to working on recent shows, the interview was pre-scandal, and is in regard to his Max Headroom work, only.

Heather is on assignment.

Austin clearly trolls YouTube far too much.



Here’s the full interview, from which this was cut.

We encourage you to help with our Patreon Fundraiser, where we are working with Michael Cassutt to create an audio-drama version of his lost vintage Max Headroom script, “Families.” So if you help support Austin Rich so he doesn’t have to punch a clock, then we can get more of this kind of material to you, quickly.

In our next episode, we will be offering either some additional Maxis, or our promised conversation with Brian Frankish, the on-the-ground producer for the American version of the TV show. We’ve been sitting on this conversation for a while, and Brian was a delight to talk to. We’re very excited to let you hear what he has to saw about a life in Hollywood.