Previous Episode: Lockdown : What Day is it?
Next Episode: Lockdown : Games II

Games, Games, Games

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1857 Cassette Infomercial

1857 Season 1 Cassette Tape!

The Three Pin Plug

The doctors, nurses and medical staff, the grocery store staff, lorry drivers, fire brigades and police forces, care home staff and people doing good across the world.

Thank You.

Why we say "Goodbye Dave" & "Hello Meg"

Listener Dave only likes the pencil chat, so turns off the podcast when we reach the topic. TJ's fiance Megan only likes the topic, and skips the pencil chat. When we transition from chat to topic, we bid adieu to some listeners, and welcome others.

The Circle of Podcast is complete

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{ 1857 } The Podcast about making the past, the present, in the future.

Are you a US Listener? If you want to try audiobooks and want to help out the show, you can sign up for a 30 day trail, get a free audiobook and we get a commission, just go to

I (TJ) suggest American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton or Reamde by Neal Stephenson.

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