Previous Episode: Email
Next Episode: Death of the High Street

Chinese M2 Papermate

Blackwing 602

Blackwing 840

Blackwing 42

Word Aloha

The Last Kingdom

365 Days

Bridge over Troubled Waters - NHS Song

The Ferguson Story - Stuart Gibbard

Broken Dreams - Nick Quantrill

Tincup Whisky

French Martini

Ferguson TE20

Keychron 65

DFY - Done For You

Farrow & Ball Paint



The Three Pin Plug

1857 Merch!

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1857 The Podcast about making the past, the present, in the future.

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I (TJ) suggest American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton or Reamde by Neal Stephenson.

Neros Notes
Stationery Adjacent Podcast

1857 The Podcast about making the past, the present, in the future.

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