Is your email overwhelming you? Do you dread opening your inbox? It’s funny to think about how it used to be fun to get an email. After the annoying connecting sounds, there it would be…. You Got Mail!! Tom Hanks starred in a spectacular movie thanks to that phrase. Well, that decade is long past now and Tom Hanks […]

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Is your email overwhelming you?

Do you dread opening your inbox?

It’s funny to think about how it used to be fun to get an email.

After the annoying connecting sounds, there it would be…. You Got Mail!!

Tom Hanks starred in a spectacular movie thanks to that phrase.

Well, that decade is long past now and Tom Hanks would never meet Meg Ryan today because her email would be buried under reminders of his favorite restaurants and newsletter subscriptions promoting specials to him.

Email is very different today.

Now we seek to maintain some sense of control in our inboxes as things just continue to keep coming in.

And as long as emails keep coming in, we continue to spend precious time answering these “urgent” messages, while avoiding more important work.

Seriously, how did Gary from the refrigerator appliance store, get my email address?

Anyways, since I went out on my own, I have discovered that my time is the most important commodity I have and I needed to find a way to stop the hemorrhaging of my time when it came to email.

There are some great marketers out there and some of those emails would send me down an unneeded distraction.

Long story short, I needed to find a solution.

My Sanebox Review

Enter Sanebox.

This amazing email tool digests your email and automatically filters out only the important email from everything else.

It’s amazing and it takes less than 5 minutes to work.

Imagine going from 100’s of emails in your inbox to 6 in minutes. It’s like a conference room of people wanting your attention suddenly disappearing and only being left with your clients, prospects and truly desired email notifications. 

The people that truly matter.

I still don’t understand how it completely works, but it literally does not seem to matter what email platform you use.

Gmail… of course.


Yahoo.. check.

AOL?…. check. (Are people still using AOL?)

Sanebox will work with any email platform.

Oh, and in case you are wondering how much time you’ll save, they say I save 2 hours a week.

I’m pretty sure that number is wrong because it feels like at least 5 hours (you could watch You’ve Got Mail 2 and half times every week).

So if you want to stop cringing signing into your email, I highly recommend you try Sanebox.

Yes. I am an affiliate of theirs, but that is probably not the right word to describe me.

I’m a Sanebox evangelist. Their product has freed me from email overload while also giving me back important time in my life.

Seriously, if you haven’t already. Check them out.

Get control of your email once again.


P.S.Tom Hanks, if you want to see Meg Ryan’s emails, probably should get off AOL and use Sanebox.

The post Sanebox – A Review of the Best Tool to Overcome Email Overload – 107 appeared first on Peder Aadahl.