Stephen Humphreys

Today we are joined by Stephen Humphreys, CEO of American Veterans Archaeological Recovery (AVAR). An organization that's on a mission to promote the well-being of disabled Veterans through field archaeology.

After completing a BA in History at the University of North Texas, Stephen was commisioned as an officer in the US Air Force. He went on to serve as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer, and was deployed to Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. After transitioning from his military service, he continued to pursue academics.

Stephen now holds an MA in Archaeology and Biblical Studies and an MA in Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and has also completed a PhD at Durham University in England. Along the way he had the opportunity to work on a variety of field projects in places like Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, the UK, and the US. Many of which were done while leading Veterans through AVAR.

In this episode Stephen shares his answers to our 15 questions. We also discuss other interesting topics; such as leadership principles learned in the military and how they can be applied to archeology, and how archeology can help Veterans!

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Stephen Humphreys

Today we are joined by Stephen Humphreys, CEO of American Veterans Archaeological Recovery (AVAR). An organization that's on a mission to promote the well-being of disabled Veterans through field archaeology.

After completing a BA in History at the University of North Texas, Stephen was commisioned as an officer in the US Air Force. He went on to serve as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer, and was deployed to Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. After transitioning from his military service, he continued to pursue academics.

Stephen now holds an MA in Archaeology and Biblical Studies and an MA in Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and has also completed a PhD at Durham University in England. Along the way he had the opportunity to work on a variety of field projects in places like Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, the UK, and the US. Many of which were done while leading Veterans through AVAR.

In this episode Stephen shares his answers to our 15 questions. We also discuss other interesting topics; such as leadership principles learned in the military and how they can be applied to archeology, and how archeology can help Veterans!

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