Dr. Jayur Mehta


Today we are joined by Dr. Jayur Mehta, Assistant Professor in Anthropology at Florida State University.

Dr. Mehta received his education in three different institutions in the eastern US. First earning his BA at the University of North Carolina, then going on to earn his MA at the University of Alabama. His time as a a student came to a close when he earned his PhD in Anthropology at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. He is also now a Registered Professional Archeologist.

Throughout his career, Dr. Mehta has had the opportunity to lead excavations in places around the US and Mexico. Some of which include the Carson Mounds Archaeological Project (CMAP) in the Lower Mississippi. As well as the Resilience in the Ancient Gulf South (RAGS) in the Mississippi River Delta.

Dr. Mehta is also a National Geographic research fellow, and was recently featured in a documentary produced by the New Orleans Video Access Coalition, titled Keepers of the Mound. Listen to his answers to our 15 Questions, and hear an interesting perspective from someone who has conducted archeology in places that have not been talked about yet on this podcast.

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Dr. Jayur Mehta


Today we are joined by Dr. Jayur Mehta, Assistant Professor in Anthropology at Florida State University.

Dr. Mehta received his education in three different institutions in the eastern US. First earning his BA at the University of North Carolina, then going on to earn his MA at the University of Alabama. His time as a a student came to a close when he earned his PhD in Anthropology at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. He is also now a Registered Professional Archeologist.

Throughout his career, Dr. Mehta has had the opportunity to lead excavations in places around the US and Mexico. Some of which include the Carson Mounds Archaeological Project (CMAP) in the Lower Mississippi. As well as the Resilience in the Ancient Gulf South (RAGS) in the Mississippi River Delta.

Dr. Mehta is also a National Geographic research fellow, and was recently featured in a documentary produced by the New Orleans Video Access Coalition, titled Keepers of the Mound. Listen to his answers to our 15 Questions, and hear an interesting perspective from someone who has conducted archeology in places that have not been talked about yet on this podcast.

Connect with Dr. Mehta




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