Sarah Piampiano grew up as a nationally ranked runner and ski racer. After college she went to Wall Street, where she worked long hours in investment banking, before discovering triathlon in 2009 on a bet. Almost overnight, went from smoking 2 packs of cigarettes per day to jumping head first into the triathlon world, and at the end of 2011 she left her job in finance and began training and racing full time as a professional long-course triathlete. Since then she's won 3 ironman titles, 6 70.3 titles, been ranked 3rd in the world in Ironman racing in 2016 and 2017 and finished 7th at the Hawaii Ironman in 2015 and 2016. Her goal is to win the Ironman World Championships in Kona. 

3:55- What is Mental Toughness to Sarah?
4:58- Always finish what you start. You must adjust your goal! 
6:35- Sarah’s philosophy on training success. 
9:13- How to be the best in the world at what you do.
12:45- From investment banker to elite triathlon competitor; Sarah’s Hinge Moment.
17:03- Where does the belief to change your entire life come from?
18:30- The benefit to putting yourself in stressful situations.
20:50- The experience of SUCCESS.
23:07- Why it’s important to enjoy the process…
25:30- How Sarah deals with lows and negative thoughts in her races.
28:05- “I just told myself, she is NOT going to pass me…”; dueling it out even though you’re
not feeling great.
31:24- You NEED to do THIS if you want to get this most out of yourself.

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