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It's the last episode of 2022, which means it's time for everyone's favourite format at this time of year: the annual review.

Do you review the ups and downs of the previous year? Do you set goals for the following year? We don't need to get too corporate about it, but since we don't have a boss to do a performance review, we have to do our own.

In this episode, I share my review process, reflect on 2022 and share three wins and three not-so-wins.

You'll also hear how I'm setting my goals for 2023 and how my business will have to change as a result. 

Until next year, happy freelancing!

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Mentioned in this Episode:

Episode 43: How to set goals to grow your freelance business in in 2022
Episode 66: My 6-month review: what worked and what didn't?
Episode 64: A day in the life of a freelance copywriter
Episode 29: Land your wishlist clients with cold pitching (with Bree Weber)
Episode 57: Build your own board of directors
Dr Julie Gurner's newsletter

Say hi to Louise:

Louise Shanahan is a freelance health and medical copywriter. She's on a mission to help others build a freelance business that feels easy and works for them – in weekly snack-sized bites.

LinkedIn: Louise Shanahan

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