What's your barometer of freelance success? Do you find yourself distracted by how many followers you have on Twitter or the size of your email list? Do you have a sneaky peek at what other freelancers' say they're earning? Today's episode is about zeroing in on what really matters in our freelance business and getting permission to ignore the rest.

"When we get more likes and followers and subscribers, we get a dopamine hit. They're monkey brain metrics. All of this takes up time and energy, which are limited resources when you work for yourself. So it's important to be sure that you're focusing your attention where it really matters."

Mentioned in this episode:

Ep 18: How to ask for (and use!) better testimonials1000 True Fans, Kevin Kelly

Louise Shanahan is a freelance health copywriter and content marketer. She's on a mission to help others build a freelance business that feels easy and works for them – in weekly snack-sized bites.

Keep in touch!

Twitter: @LouiseShanahan_
LinkedIn: Louise Shanahan
Instagram: @Louise_Shanahan_
Website: thecopyprescription.com
Newsletter: thecopyprescription.com/subscribe

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