Previous Episode: 102 Chase Tolleson

While in college in 2008, Perry Wirth decided entrepreneurship was for him. He found his Ikiigai, a Japanese term many people search for. It's the combination of doing what you love, with what you're good at, what you can be paid for, and what people need... 

He opened Neutral Ground in Grafton, Wisconsin, a martial arts academy that specializes in helping kids and adults learn how to defend themselves and grow in a supportive community that genuinely cares about each other. He is also a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) and a Judo Black Belt. 

In 2011 he also started working for the world's largest digital consulting agency. He has learned over the years what it means to have balance and incredible time management skills. 

When he realized his Academy's impact on him, he went on a mission to work on his business, which led to working on himself. As an entrepreneur, you are your business; to grow it, you must evolve. Perry knows that he played a small game for many years with the Academy he was building and the impact he was having. He was on a mission to improve himself, precisely one skill, Communication.

He now also specializes in personal development and mindset coaching. Using martial arts and his Academy as his platform, and with formal training from some of the top communication masters (Such as the Enlifted Method with Mark England and Human Interaction Technology with Michael Bernoff), he is on a mission to help others to realize their potential. He knows, like him, there are many people out there who are playing a small game that is hurting them inside, and all they need is a slight shift to get on their path.

Today, Perry has become a manager at the consulting agency, and through his Academy, his passion has helped thousands of kids and adults get on the path of playing a bigger game in their own lives. 

To learn more about Perry you can visit his Academy website at or connect with him on Instagram @PJtheLLAMA


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Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Jonas Ketterle

Shungite from Derek Condit

Red Light Therapy from Mark Sloan

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Closing Music by Supaman - Why

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