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Next Episode: Our Hope

TO HELP:4th Dimension Sobriety is a 501c3 nonprofit 

100% of donations go directly towards people's stay at 4th Dimension



11th Step:

Examen Remixed:


Every morning, at 4th Dimension Sobriety, we ask community members to participate in a non-denominational, non-religious, practice of group mediation and contemplation. Our mediation is based on the Upon Awakening, which is found on page 86 of the book Alcoholic Anonymous and conclude with 11th step prayer (The Saint Francis Prayer).


1) On Awakening...followed by silence and reflection 

2) Reflect on a reading from the Big Book of Alcoholic Anonymous...followed by silence and reflection 

3) The Saint Francis Prayer


“Resentment is the 'number one' offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else. From it stem all forms of spiritual disease, for we have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick.”
~Alcoholics Anonymous, How It Works, pg. 64~


Solar Plexus/Yellow/Tone E

Solar Plexus Chakra, 3rd Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego. The third chakra is the center of willpower. While the Sacral chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment, the third chakra is all about the perception of who you are. The gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, being confident, responsible, and reliable. The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as warmth in your personality. The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows you to meet challenges and move forward in your life. The main challenge for the third chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced manner. Strong third chakra reflects the ability to move forward in life with confidence and power. It reflects the ability to make conscious choices to choose and to act.