In 10xTalk Episode #51 Joe and Dan discuss:

Peter shares the story of how he approached the idea of Abundance and the contribution Joe and Dan are making to drive the Abundance movement forward The Worlds Biggest Business Opportunities: Peter reveals how your company can surf the coming billion dollar technology wave (and not be swept away by it) Four factors that give you a bold mindset and can help grow your company 10x How our world is getting smarter, safer and healthier and the entrepreneurial opportunities this is making available right now The way exponential technologies will help you utilize your time 10x more effectively, keep you ahead of the curve and make your company 10x more productive Peter explains the "6 D's of Exponential Growth" and why it is the entrepreneurial source code for building your business into the future How Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding solve your biggest problems by attracting expertise, resources and money to you from around the world

