In this Episode of 10XTalk, you’ll discover how to Improve Your Performance 10 times by removing Energy Blocks, how You can use the Cutting Off Technique to grow your energy, get clarity, and more, with your guest, Strategic Coach Member, Kim White. Kim has been consulting as an Energy and Business Coach and what is called a Space Clearer for over 22 years, with clients in more than 30 countries.  Kim has a unique approach of coaching by mixing Spiritual Work with Business and Sports, as he helps clients improve the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Environmental aspects of their lives.  Listen in on this episode for more clarity, confidence, and direction.

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Kim in this episode:

Kim White shares how to remove energy blocks and 10x your performance The difference between greed-driven entrepreneurs and growth-driven entrepreneurs Two important mindsets for making massive entrepreneurial progress The Cutting Off Technique you can use anytime to grow your energy and feel more clear Dan talks about “the greatest freedom in the world” and how to multiply it with teamwork

Shownotes and links from this episode can be found at: