In this Episode of 10XTalk, Dan Sullivan will explain all things 10x—how 10x is easier than 2x, the 10x map and method, and 3 strategies you can use to create your bigger future. Dan is a long-time Genius Network member and Strategic Coach member. Dan is the co-founder of Strategic Coach, author of over 3 publications, a visionary innovator, and gifted conceptual thinker. He has over 35 years of experience as highly regarded speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups.  

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Dan in this episode:

The meaning of X The variable formula of success Harder vs. Easier A new way to look at “stuff” and “energy” How you can eliminate stuff, and increase energy in your life Why surrounding yourself with an abundance neighborhood is important

Call to Action

Shownotes and links from this episode can be found at: