As a coach working to normalize 10k months the solution you’re looking for lies in better marketing, right?

Not necessarily.

This episode not only dive into how to use a free tracker tool created just for this show, but we also look at some uncommon ways coaches miss the mark on what’s standing in their way of consistent 10k months.

1. More vs. closer focus

We define what this means, the origin of the concept and what travelling a long distance has to do with normalizing 10k months.

2. Why Disposition is a piece of your personal, unique marketing puzzle

I.e. if you do what you ‘should’ be doing vs. what you enjoy doing, you’re going to fail long term.

3. Thought Hygiene and Emotional Management

If you cannot self regulate in a way that’s aligned with normalizing 10k months, even the best marketing plan will not save you.

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-Episode transcripts

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