Normalizing 10k months as a coach is about learning how to think, feel and act everyday in accordance with creating a 10k/month business.

However, most coaches focus on doing that by going all in marketing tactics where the real game is understanding there’s a distinction. Normalizing is about the inner work.

Stabilizing 10k/months is rooting how we think, feel and act daily with aligned marketing while continuing to work through the drama that comes up as level up.

In this episode we deep dive into the Passive element of Stabilizing (like clarity) and mapping out how to close the gap between where we are and where we want to go.

We also look at the Active element which is about the moment to moment clearing of the drama that comes up as we level up to create a 10k/month business.

We also break down how that incorporates with aligned marketing AND we even got through an exercise of Unlikely questions to help you see what steps you need to take to move forward.

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-Episode transcripts

-Free trainings

-Bonus material

-Access to additional resources for working through the topics on each episode.