Stefan Stefansson struggled with relationships for over 20 years which was the catalyst for his determination to find the best way forward and turn around his love life and experience of relationships. As a result, he is a passionate solution-oriented coach focused on helping men master themselves to create the relationship of their dreams.

Main Business Issues:

Lack of promotion and forward movement in his business

Stefan’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

As someone very analytically strong he was very adapt at figuring out problems but he realized he cannot out think emotions
This wasn’t allowing him to tap into his emotions and how up authentically in his business
As a defense his mind was constantly focusing on trying to get the best tactic to solve his promotion issue while ignoring the core wounding
In addition to the doubt and self criticism of the core wounding was also the overwhelm of the immense pressure he put on himself to ‘make the business work’

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