Tena Cacic is a music teacher, writer and scientist in love with vibrational communication. She helps  people through their triggers of victim mentality and tune with the vibrations of their desired reality.

Main Business Issues:

Tena wanted to start energy clearings for groups and individuals but felt there was a block
She felt like there was a blindspot as she always had split energy in terms of wanting to do commit to making her business profitable

Tena’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

She had the realization that the real fear of going all in on her business was due to the responsibility it would take
Responsibility was something that was thrust upon her in many life traumas and circumstances and she had a strained relationship with it
When she realized she had a choice and could allow more femenine nurture as she births this business it allowed her to clear a lot of unwanted energy around it
Tena does a life energy clearing for herself during the recording as she has these realizations

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