Giada Labrecque is a holistic massage therapist and author based in Galway City originally from Toronto, Canada.

To put things simply, she is a serial entrepreneur. Giada has a private practice for women called She Kneads,

holistic massage for women of all ages and stages of life where she practices massage combined with reiki, reflexology

shiatsu and aromatherapy. She offers other therapies such as Access Bars and Specialised Kinesiology, and she teaches a workshop

called "Basic Kneads", teaching people the art of a great back massage. She also has a corporate wellness company called Office Kneads where,

pre-lock down was facilitating on-site massage therapy, guided meditation and yoga in offices.

Main Business Issues:

Has a hard time asking for the sale and charging for what she does
Valuing herself and her expertise
Inconsistency with her marketing and getting the word out there which makes for a limited business

Giada’s Key Insights And Takeaways:

Despite her deep self awareness she was unable to connect the business issues she was experiencing with her unworthiness patterns
Her narratives of being an inconvenience when speaking about what she was passionate about had a root from her mother wound
This didn’t allow her to show up in a way that was aligned with her Human Design quality of waiting for the right invitations
She was spreading herself thin and saying yes when she should have said no
Even though she thought she made a lot of progress on overcoming her unworthiness issues from childhood she was able to see how they were playing out as limitations in her business

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