Sarah Strong is an awakening the divine feminine and star-seed coach, a medium, empath, telepath and psychic. She channels star ⭐️ beings and other beings of the light including the Ascended Masters, angels and spirit guides. As an Intuitive life coach she assists people in stepping into their true higher purpose now so they can start living in total alignment with their dreams and soul gifts!!

Sarah’s highlights and takeaways:

She initially thought she was struggling with control but after some probing realized that it was actually fear of pulling the trigger on actions she needed to take that was keeping her stuck

Her hesitation and self sabotaging habits as it came to hiring out and getting support for her business were masked as ‘a need for control'

She identified her tumultuous upbringing and was confronted with the sentiment that her “comfort zone” was actually chaos vs. stability and the hiring challenges were a reflection of that

Additionally, it was the hiring and operations aspects that were really putting a stop on her business growth

Her realizations as we wrapped up the recording was that she actually was controlling to ensure more ‘chaos’ vs. stability and growth in her business because that’s what was familiar

Her actual triggers were in more stable and single focused tasks which is when she just added more things to her plate, ensuring her business never gets the stability to grow past the point she’s at

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