If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed and uncertain about how to make the next best step for your business this is the episode for you. Coen is a life coach and automation expert who was lacking focus on what to do next because he was constantly trying to find the balance between needing income to cover his expenses while getting his business off the ground. As I helped him dive into breaking down his options, his next best step revealed itself as it often does when we allow the space to explore the options always in front of us.

In this episode we cover:

Coen’s journey of starting out as an engineer in the early days of the internet and transitioning to creating funnels and being a life coach

Navigating the pivot he had to undergo as a result of the pandemic

Finding opportunity in seeming chaos and uncertainty

How playing the wrong game, even if you’re doing well can be devastating

How to navigate the shiny object syndrome many heart centered entrepreneurs struggle with

How to stay focused on what matters

How to get clear on what’s the most important next step

About Coen Tuerlings:

After my study in engineering and design, I started a media production business in 1993 and created a family with 6 children.

I was very interested in people's behavior and why they did not follow their real potential and dreams.  So I got involved in life coaching, influenced by indigenous and ritual traditions.

Due to the Corona crisis, this business is gone. Group coaching was not allowed, and this type of training wasn't fit to transfer online.

I had to start all over, focusing on sharing my experiences and knowledge of online marketing for professional coaches and trainers.

Connect With Coen:

