On this episode we are joined by expert guest Thomas Wurn who shares a BOATLOAD of value on how to navigate creating your own 10k Norm using NLP. We do a deep dive into the rabbit hole of everything from spirituality, quantum physics, emotional release, breaking through limiting beliefs and even dive into the exact steps on how to start embodying your 10k Norm.

On the episode we cover:

How Thomas went from firefighter to NLP master to coaching authors on writing their first book

Breaking down the connection between subconscious blocks, how to recognize the programming that’s operating in the background and how to release stuck emotions

What NLP is how it cane help you

How our physical body is connected to our mental patterns and how even “unrelated” physical pains can have a deep connection to what’s happening mentally and emotionally

The importance of our “second and third” brains and how they often get overlooked to our detriment

The psychedelic experience and how to explain it in terms of the conscious and subconscious mind

The process Thomas uses to discover and heal the root cause of his clients’ programming

The step by step blueprint Thomas recommends to normalize 10k months in your business

About Thomas Wurn

Wildland Firefighter Turns Mental Health Professional and Author…

After my engine captain passed away suddenly from a heart attack my entire world fell apart. When I heard the news I dropped to the ground because my heart was ripped out of my chest. Within the next few years, I developed severe anxiety that was beginning to affect everything in my life. I couldn’t focus at work, I didn't sleep more than a few hours a week. I was so fatigued and tired I could barely drive. The anxiety got so bad I was teetering on the edge of psychosis. I had pain everywhere in my body and my stomach was on fire. I truly believed I was dying and that's when I decided that I was going to change.

When I went through my own breakthrough session using QUANTUM PSYCHOLOGY I truly released the root cause of my anxiety and a weight was lifted off my chest. I could breathe again and I was free from the impending doom. At that moment, I was determined to become a Master Practitioner in Mental-Emotional ReleaseⓇ (MER) because it is clinically cases studied and shown to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, the root cause.

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